Friends of the Burke Museum
The Friends of the Burke Museum, Inc. supports the Robert O’Hara Burke Museum via fundraising and by providing assistance with projects.
As a long-standing and successful community organisation, the Friends have raised over $75,000. These funds have enabled the Museum to undertake significant projects, such as the conservation of the Chinese banners, the purchase of the Robert O’Hara Burke pistol and the restoration of the bird collection. So, the Friends’ work could be considered significant to the progress of the Museum.
A Committee, formed from nominations from the membership at the Annual General Meeting, coordinates the work of the Friends. The Manager of the Museum also sits on the Friends’ Committee.
Friends of the Burke projects
Fundraising for the extension of the taxidermy display cabinets
Australian Idendity Event
The Ian Jones annual event
The Friends’ Adoption Program + donate
The Street of Shops Project
Join the Friends of the Burke Museum
We warmly invite you to become a member!
As a member of the Friends you receive the following benefits:
- Free admission to the Burke Museum and Historic Precinct throughout the year;
- Ten percent discount of Museum and Courthouse merchandise;
- Concession admission to special viewings and functions throughout the year; and,
- The opportunity to become a member of the Friends’ Committee.

Contact Details
The Committee of the Friends of the Burke Museum
President – Dr. Kate Sutherland
Vice President: Ms Anne Wilson
Treasurer: Mr. John Baines
Secretary: Mrs Jennifer Perrin
Membership Secretary: Mrs. Diane Baines
Mr. Daniel Goonan
Ms. Cheryl Keylock
Ms Sandra Davidson